
About me Resourses Projects

Welcome! to my website! Here I will show all the fun stuff that I am working on. Everything that I am writing on and making can be found here. I hope that you will find something that you enjoy amongst the many different projects. Feel free to contact me if you want to know more!

This will be a place to find everything I work on, as well as useful stuff I find. As many creators I have worked on a ton of projects over the years, and it has become harder and harder to keep check on everything. I hope that this website will help solve that problem, both for myself and for my readers. Under projects you can find all the stuff that I am currently working on, the list will inevitably grow with time. Resources is where I will share all the things that I have found useful in my creative career, in hopes that it will help others. Lastly is the about page where you can learn more about me, as well as to find various ways to support me financially if you happen to like what I do.

Check out Neocities!